Friday, December 19, 2008

Goodbye Sausage Rolls!!!

To all of my gorgeous Sausage Rolls in Room 14!

I am going to miss you sooooo much and I am going to keep this blog going forever, so you can blog me anytime you want! Thank you for being the most ama-zing-a-ling class and have lots of fun in Year 2.

To all of Room 14's Mummies and Daddies.....thank you! You have been such an amazing support this year to me and I am going to miss you guys too!

All my love

Miss Brewer

x x x x

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa is on the Internet!

Hi Room 14,

I have found the most amazing website for you to play on! It's all about Santa at the North Pole. Have fun and tell me what you liked the best about this website!

Love from Miss Brewer

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hi Room 14,
What do you want for Christmas this year from Santa, and have you been good? (I know you have!)
Love from Miss Brewer

Friday, November 7, 2008


Hi Room 14,

I found an amazing webpage full of Poems about everything you can think of!!!! Here is the web page address:

Please visit it with your Mums, Dads, Brothers, Sisters and the whole entire family! It will be an amazing reading activity after you have read your book at night. Let me know what poem you like the best!!!

Love from

Miss Brewer

Monday, October 20, 2008

Here is our information!!!!!!!!!

i like sey hoses in rok pools. joshua (I like sea-horses in rock pools)

i like the strfish because they live on rooks. kendra (I like starfish.....)

no people swm in rook pols. grace (No people swim....)

the wotir is bliw. chloe (The water is blue)

seshls are in the pools. Roenan (Seashells are.....)

Well done you clever sausage rolls. I love how you found out that the space bar is a 'finger space'.
Keep up the great work and show your parents tonight!!!!

Love Miss Brewer


Room 14 is going to share their ideas about Rock Pools!

Some of us in Room 14 have been practising typing. So we are going to type some of our interesting information about Rock Pools all by ourselves!!!

Love from

Miss Brewer


Saturday, September 27, 2008

What are you up to in the Holidays?????

Hi Room 14,

Don't forget to tell me all of your exciting Holiday news!!!

Love Miss Brewer

x x x x

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Imagine this!!!!!!!

What would happen if you were a crab or sea horse living in a rock pool that was full of rubbish, dirt, mud, pollution, cans, gooey goo and yucky old food? Would you be happy and healthy living there? Tell me why???????????

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What lives in a Rock Pool????

Today for Oracy we looked at Rock Pools! What lives in a Rock Pool? Can you tell me? When we are finding our information (GET IT) we can maybe visit or ask your Family, read a book or even visit the Library! I can't wait to hear from you!
Love From

Miss Brewer

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our New Baby!

Hi Room 14,
Look at our gorgeous new baby! Tristan has been such an amazing boy at the moment and has taken on lots of new responsibilities at school. He does Road Patrol, he is a Wave Rider and has even started a Chess Club. So I brought him a new baby to love and now my house is over-run with 'stinky boys'. His name is Theodore and he is only 8 weeks old and guess what, he's scratchy! What do you think of our new baby?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hi Room 14,

The Olympics are very exciting! Can you tell me your favourite Olympic Event that you have seen at home or at school? I would love to hear what your Mum and Dads favourite event is too?

Love from

Miss Brewer

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hi Room 14,

Here is the cheeky Pukeko that I saw at Western Springs with Tristan. He is so cute and I think he deserves a name. Isn't he beautiful with his blue feathers. I loved watching him eat with his toes!!!!!! Here is a great web-link about Pukeko's. Get your Mum and Dad to read it to you, or try and read it all by yourself:

Love from Miss Brewer

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Italy!!!! What have you learnt?

Hi Room 14,

Tell Miss Brewer some of the things that you have learnt about Italy (the country that we are representing in the RBS Olympics Games).

Here is a great website for you and your family to learn even more about Italy: (just click on the address).

Have fun!

Love Miss Brewer

Monday, July 28, 2008

Stormy Weekend!

We all had a very wet and windy weekend. Here are some of the problems that happend at our homes!

"We had no hot water". From Camille
"We had a power cut". From Ashleigh
"I couldn't sleep because the wind was waking me up". From Joshua
"I had the longest power cut, it went on until the night". From Denhym
"My lights kept on going, "FLASH, FLASH!" From Sophie
"I had a flood!" From Keenan
"We had to tie the trampoline down at my house!". From Imogen
"I don't like the rain because it came down very hard". From Corban
"We were baking cookies and we put the icing on and I slipped off the chair and all of the cookies went in the sink". From Tess

My goodness what a crazy weekend!!!! Keep telling me what happend from home.

Love from Miss Brewer

x x x x

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Radcliffe & Tesco's July Holidays with Miss Brewer!

Radcliffe and Tesco came home for the holidays..........

Here are the boys having there bath. This time they asked if they could have a spin in the washing machine. They had so much fun, but don't you have a bath in there at home!

The boys had very late nights playing Playstation with Tristan. So in the morning they slept in and had breakfast in bed.

Radcliffe and Tesco made some lovely new friends called 'Shade' the cow, 'Dotty' the cheetah and 'Giggles' the puppy. They watched DVD's together and played 'hide and seek'.

On rainy days (and there were a few these holidays), Radcliffe and Tesco watched the fish swim around and around the bowl.

The great news about the holidays is that Radcliffe, Tesco and Sparks are now dear friends.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Radcliffe and Tesco Adventures!

the boos blrw out my kads on my bthday kac.

Ashleigh wrote: The Boys blew out my candles on my Birthday cake.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Radcliffe and Tesco Adventures!

we so my coiazn and meika loved tem.

Tess wrote: We saw my cousins and Meika loved them.

(Tess had never typed before and I showed how to do a finger space with the space bar. She did everything else by herself!)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People in New Zealand!

Hi Room 14,

It was lovely to meet Shandy the Hearing Dog today! She was such a cute dog and just so fluffy. Wasn't she clever with all the things she could do!Let me know what you learnt about what Shandy does for her owner Joanna.

Love Miss Brewer

x x x x

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hi Room 14!

I have just been sent a wonderful blog from Camille with one of her favourite wesites. It is You will be so amazed at what you see. Let Camille and I know what you think of these amazing photographs!

Love from

Miss Brewer & Camille

x x x x

Friday, June 13, 2008

Mrs Ryder We Miss You!!!!

Dear Mrs Ryder,

It has been a whole week since you have left us. We really miss you and hope that your University is going well.

Here are some thoughts from the Sausies in Room 14:

"I hope your university and your teaching is very good", By Tess
"I miss you Mrs Ryder", By Chloe
"Mrs Ryder are you going to come back to our class after the weekend or after the hoildays because we miss you", By Corban
"I love you", By Roenan
"Mrs Ryder how are you going with your house, we want you to come back to see all the new things we have done", By Joshua
"I miss you soooooo much", By Camille

Mrs Ryder everyone else said "WE MISS YOOOOOUUUUU! and WE LOVE YOU!"

Take care

Love from

Room 14

x x x x

Thursday, June 12, 2008

At Home with Tristan Today!!!!!!

Hi Room 14,

I am not at school today because poor Tristan hurt himself yesterday afternoon on the Flying Fox at school. He feel off and cut his leg open and was soooooooo brave. We went to Northshore Hospital and he got 6 stitches and another cut glued back together with special skin glue, sort of like super fix. The Doctor was really nice and you won't believe this, but her 5 year old son was also called Tristan. Anyway my friends, I will see you at school tomorrow, I can't wait to share more of our blog with you.

Love from

Miss Brewer

x x x x

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday Afternoon

This afternoon Ms Brewer is observing Mrs Wright teaching and Mrs Cope is in Room 14. We were illustrating our poems and Mrs Cope had to try and draw a camel with a red sunhat on its head and a blue sunhat on its hump! She tried hard to do a good picture.
Mrs Cope is very interested in what the parents of Room 14 students think about their blogs and would love to read some of their comments.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Radcliffe and Tesco Adventures!


We Went to Australia. tesco Kissed a bird. and had a ried on a Kangaroo. he also snuggled a koala.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Radcliffe and Tesco Adventures!


we went to the pet shop we meet somo cool dogs. then we played games on the compute with spongebob.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

In the weekend I saw ...........

Hi Room 14,

This weekend, Tristan and I went to the beach at Stanmore Bay and found this gorgeous rock pool.

The water had all disappeared and I was wondering who may have lived in this pool when the water was there?

There are tiny foot prints in the sand which I think may be a clue? Tell me who you think may have lived here!

Love from

Miss Brewer

x x x x

Friday, June 6, 2008

Radcliffe and Tesco Adventures!


We went to hahie in the weekend.When we got to hahie me and Mummy went surfing. Radcliffe
and tesco wached.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Radcliffe and Tesco Adventures!


On Saturday I took Radcliffe and Tesco home. I had swimming at the
Lesiure Centre. We made brioche. It took a very long time.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

WOW!!!! We are going to start our writing!

Today I showed Room 14 our BLOG and they loved it. We have decided that Camille will be our first Author and share her weekend story with Radcliffe and Tesco. Camille, thank you for saying you would be our first person to give this blog a go!

Love Miss Brewer

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Welcome to Room 14's Blog!!!!


This is going to be a place where Room 14 children can create their writing to be viewed by our family and friends all over the world. It will help us understand that writing is not just something we have to do, but it is for an audience to read it. When we write it needs to be interesting, full of information and of course we need capital letters and full stops!

I thought a great place to start would be with Radcliffe and Tesco our class mascots. They go home every weekend and spend a wonderful time with each child in Room 14. They have had amazing adventures already this year and I would like some of the children to share their adventures about these gorgeous boys.

Miss Brewer: 31st May, 2008
I thought I better start this blog and take these lovely boys home with me as they were in a desperate need for a bath. As you can see here they are up to there necks in bubbles and I even managed to find their rubber ducky to share their bath experiences.

Then after their bath they got to lye out in the sun and dry off. I made sure they had a bit of sun screen on and that we stuck to the 10 minute rule. It was such a gorgeous, sunny Autumn day, they just loved it!

They had the most amazing time playing in the lemon tree once they were dry. They climbed to the top of the tree and stayed there for ages, making sure that Sparks our cat wouldn't scratch them.

Then it turned cold and it was time to come in for Dinner. We all had fish and chips. After the dishes were done it was time to watch our DVD we got from Video Ezy! We snuggled up on the couch with a blanket and watched 'Robots' and all ate pink wafer biscuits.

Tristan and I loved having the boys for the weekend and it was such a treat to spend some time with them again.

Love from Miss Brewer & Tristan
x x x x