Friday, November 6, 2009

Hi Emily!!!!

It was so lovely to hear from you! I can not believe that Benjamin is walking, WOW! I miss you and the rest of Room 14 soooooo much and think about you all the time. I hope you are loving school and that Madison is too. My new school is lovely and the children are very sweet and good, just like the children at Red Beach. It is lovely living close to my Mum now as I get to see her all the time. I just ran my first Quarter Marathon on the weekend and my legs felt like they were going to fall off, but I ran the whole 10.5 kms so I was very proud. It is going to be Christmas again very soon, I hope you have started your list to Santa!

You make sure you give Mum and Dad a huge squeeze and tell them to give you an even bigger squeeze from me!!!!!

Lots and lots of love

Miss Brewer

x x x x

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Thank you for your message. It was soooooo lovely to hear from you. My new school is lots of fun and I am so pleased to hear you are still liking school too. I have some sad news..... my lovely Theo died this year. He got hit by a car and poor Miss Brewer cried and cried. Sparks is still with us though and loving all the attention he gets. Here is a recent photo of him

I am going to be coming back to RBS soon for the 20 year reunion. Hopefully we can look in the classrooms to see your lovely classroom. Have you seen your old teachers baby? I am really happy that your new teacher is kind. Take care Kendra and send my love to Mummy, Daddy and your BIG BROTHER.

Love from Miss Brewer

x x x x

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Have the most amazing start to Year 2! Let me know about all of your adventures because I would love to hear from you!

Love from Miss Brewer & Tristan

x x x x