Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our New Baby!

Hi Room 14,
Look at our gorgeous new baby! Tristan has been such an amazing boy at the moment and has taken on lots of new responsibilities at school. He does Road Patrol, he is a Wave Rider and has even started a Chess Club. So I brought him a new baby to love and now my house is over-run with 'stinky boys'. His name is Theodore and he is only 8 weeks old and guess what, he's scratchy! What do you think of our new baby?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hi Room 14,

The Olympics are very exciting! Can you tell me your favourite Olympic Event that you have seen at home or at school? I would love to hear what your Mum and Dads favourite event is too?

Love from

Miss Brewer

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hi Room 14,

Here is the cheeky Pukeko that I saw at Western Springs with Tristan. He is so cute and I think he deserves a name. Isn't he beautiful with his blue feathers. I loved watching him eat with his toes!!!!!! Here is a great web-link about Pukeko's. Get your Mum and Dad to read it to you, or try and read it all by yourself:

Love from Miss Brewer