This is going to be a place where Room 14 children can create their writing to be viewed by our family and friends all over the world. It will help us understand that writing is not just something we have to do, but it is for an audience to read it. When we write it needs to be interesting, full of information and of course we need capital letters and full stops!
I thought a great place to start would be with Radcliffe and Tesco our class mascots. They go home every weekend and spend a wonderful time with each child in Room 14. They have had amazing adventures already this year and I would like some of the children to share their adventures about these gorgeous boys.Miss Brewer: 31st May, 2008
I thought I better start this blog and take these lovely boys home with me as they were in a desperate need for a bath. As you can see here they are up to there necks in bubbles and I even managed to find their rubber ducky to share their bath experiences.

Then after their bath they got to lye out in the sun and dry off. I made sure they had a bit of sun screen on and that we stuck to the 10 minute rule. It was such a gorgeous, sunny Autumn day, they just loved it!
They had the most amazing time playing in the lemon tree once they were dry. They climbed to the top of the tree and stayed there for ages, making sure that Sparks our cat wouldn't scratch them.

Then it turned cold and it was time to come in for Dinner. We all had fish and chips. After the dishes were done it was time to watch our DVD we got from Video Ezy! We snuggled up on the couch with a blanket and watched 'Robots' and all ate pink wafer biscuits.
Tristan and I loved having the boys for the weekend and it was such a treat to spend some time with them again.
Love from Miss Brewer & Tristan
x x x x
Radcliffe and Tesco are sooooooo cute aren't they! We are so lucky to have them!
I am soooo excited that I am going to be showing Room 14 this blog today! I hope they will see it very soon from home!
Miss Brewer
I am soooo excited that I am going to be showing Room 14 this blog today! I hope they will see it very soon from home!
Miss Brewer
I think your blog is anazing.
Miss Brewer is such a star! I look forward to reading more stories.
Good photos Miss Brewer! I love the photo of them having a bath with their rubber ducky! love Camille
Radcliffe and Tesco you smell so nice. I wonder what flavour your bubble bath is?
Good night.
Love from Kendra
What a lovely blog, and a neat web page, I enjoyed reading all the things in it
Mr Chong
Room 15 said...............
I liked the photos of Radcliffe and Tesco up the tree. (Cade)
It is set out well. (Casey)
You have to be smart to work it. (Emily)
Its awesome and kool. (Craig)
Really good writing. (Ben)
Lots and lots of colour. (Jake & Gerald)
I'd like to go on it. (Rebecca)
Good spelling. (James)
Nice title. (Callum)
It looks Kool. (Josh)
By Room 15
When I was year 2 I had a crocodile that you took home just like ragcliffe and tesco. Room 14, your blog is so koooooooooooooool
From Emily
Room 15
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